Shrek - A Monster of a Comedy

In this animated film, all the fairytale creatures are gathered and dumped onto an ogre's land named Shrek. This makes the ogre very angry since he has lived alone for many years. A talking donkey informs Shrek that a man named Lord Farquaad wanted to make the most perfect town and in order to do that he got rid of anything that wasn't human. This included the three little pigs, the gingerbread man, the three bears, Hansel and Gretel, and many fairies.

The donkey leads Shrek to Lord Farquaad. At first the orders were given to kill the ogre for coming to the perfect place, but after Shrek defeats every guard Lord Farquaad decided to hear Shrek out. A deal is made. In order for Shrek to get his land back he must bring Princess Fiona back with him. She is kept is a tower that is guarded by a fire breathing dragon, which is surrounded by a lava pit.

Getting to the castle isn't very hard. It is getting the princess out without being seen that is very tricky especially since donkey can't seem to stop talking. The dragon is found and it flings Shrek in the tower with the princess. Donkey then does some fancy talking and is spared. Shrek picks up the princess and runs down the stares to save donkey. As soon as donkey escapes the dragon goes crazy. They put a chain around its neck and tie it to a pillar. The dragon's fire reaches the bridge that Donkey and Shrek are crossing. The bridge drops toward the lava pit but they crawl to safety. They travel a while and camp for the night. The princess has a secret and has to hide at night. A cave does nicely. The next day, they continue to the town, but they decide to take an extra day to spend more time with the group. They even find out that the princess knows karate. What is the princess's secret? Will she marry lord Farquaad? Watch and find out.

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