Transformers Age of Extinction Movie Review

Review - Transformers Age of Extinction

Michael Bay. He's the director we love to hate. His highest rated film The Rock only has a 66% rating from Rotten Tomatoes. But regardless people continue to watch his movie which is why Age of Extinction was the highest grossing film of 2014, and after hearing this, I immediately felt the urge to see why.

In this iteration of the Transformer's series we are introduced to a set of new faces. The main character Cade Yeager (Mark Wahlberg) is an inventor who is struggling to make ends meet and is partnered with his best friend Lucas Flannery (T.J. Miller) along with having a daughter Tessa Yeager. Within the first hour of the movie Lucas Flannery is killed by a grenade in a scene that is one of the worst and most unmoving scenes of death I have ever seen in a movie. He is replaced on the adventure by Teresa's secret boyfriend Shane Tyson. The story progresses with the trio assisting Optimus Prime and the remaining autobots to stop a company named KSI from using autobot data to remake Decipticons as weapons, and in the end a battle ensues between the Autobots and the remade Decipticons in which the Autobots are able to win with the help from the newly introduced Dinobots which are basically Dinosaur Transformers.

My first gripe with the movie is the lack of seriousness of the plot. As stated earlier, the death of Cade's best friend Lucas was done horribly and would not fill any viewer with the least sense of emotion. His body exploded and Cade and Co. stand to look at it for a few seconds and run off, no crying and no sadness. I understand that the group was being chased but the film could have at least found a way to convey a deeper sense of emotion, he was the main character for God's sake. A second item that has to be noted is the movie's level of corniness. There was an overwhelming amount of instances where the protagonists where in serious life threatening scenes, but the writers decided to throw in a poorly written and unfunny joke. Many of them came about in dialogue between the Transformers or between Cade and Shane as Cade showed his distaste for him dating his daughter, another irrelevant point that received too much focus during the movie. The last point that I have to get off my chest is the acting. The acting from a majority of characters within this film was just plain awful. One actor I hated the most was Lucas. I don't know what it is about T.J Miller but anything he says just isn't funny. I've grown to dislike watching him in any film after forcing myself to watch him through the TV show Silicon Valley. If anyone was a proponent of spitting horrible jokes in a serious moment it was his character. Simply he just isn't a good actor and this film was able to show that. Mark Wahlberg on the other hand didn't do nearly as bad of a job as T.J but nonetheless his performance wasn't stellar either. Mark Wahlberg isn't a bad actor but in this film he just didn't shine. All the other side characters were in the same boat, and honestly there was not one good standout actor within the entire film and that truly brought the movie down.

In conclusion, this movie had a somewhat decent story to tell. As typical of a Michael Bay film it was filled with over the top explosions, and amazing use of visuals and special effects. But two of the most central parts of a film are plot and acting, and this film just didn't deliver on either, but honestly has a Michael Bay Transformers film ever been strong in these aspects? Regardless his films will continue to make money and we will all continue to see them.

Rate 5/10

Solid movie review on Michael Bay's 2014 film

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